Virtual Workshops to Develop High Performing Teams

Comprehensive team development can include individual and team diagnostic, development workshops with activities, one-to-one coaching supported by team observation, and high-quality feedback to ensure application in the workplace.

Our virtual workshops enable individuals and teams to grow and achieve measurable results for themselves and the company. We start with ‘the end in mind’ – what do you want to accomplish in 12 months time? What will you see and hear the delegates doing differently in the workplace? Our customised programmes utilise the proven ‘Q-OPD sustainable development goals’ model to ensure that positive change is embedded in the workplace. By using relevant diagnostics such as the Q-OPD Strengths and Gaps 360 feedback tool and personality assessments e.g. Lumina Spark linked to the workshops the delegates will feel their time, energy and effort is being spent wisely on areas that will benefit them as well as the team and organisation in the long term.
We run workshops for interdependent teams (i.e. those that share the same goals and work for the same leader) or for groups (e.g. leaders from a company, ‘high potential talent’ individuals, etc.

These are some of issues we address in our team development:

Increasing Customer Satisfaction through Communication

  • Creating good working relationships, a happier more engaged workplace, reducing frustration and misunderstandings
  • Impacting customer relationships and results
  • Making others feel listened to and understood by raising awareness of differences in style and approach

How to be a good Team Leader
Ensuring team leadership skills add to the team’s performance

  • Identifying hidden potential, strengths and derailing behaviours so that individuals feel inspired to implement their self-development plans
  • Leading and engaging your team by developing your trust radius, based upon the latest neuroscience assessment
  • Leading the next generation in the workplace (Generation Y / The Millennials)

Creating High Performing Teams

  • What makes others tick? How can you influence your colleagues with integrity by understanding what’s important to them?
  • Understanding individual members strengths and hidden potential and delegating appropriately to utilise the strengths of the team
  • Identifying the team’s dysfunctional characteristics, the group’s blind spots and how this impacts results.

What makes a good Leader? Emotional Intelligence for creating engagement
75% of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competence. (Center for Creative Leadership)
Areas covered include:

  • handling difficulty or conflict effectively
  • managing your personal stress behaviours
  • seeking feedback and creating change


Leadership skills and Creating High Performing Teams programme

Trusted Leaders get better results…
Leaders and managers account for at least 70% of variance in Employee Engagement scores
Effective leaders get 40% better results, client satisfaction and reduced turnover of staff 

Leaders need to have trusting relationships with their staff and colleagues in order to get things done. Low trust literally costs the company money.

Following our virtual workshops or coaching, individuals and team members will understand :
How their unique behaviour profile impacts the results they achieve when working with others – the level of influence and trust they have within their team, the wider organisation and their clients
How to increase their effectiveness by utilsing their hidden potential
How to manage their ‘go to’ stress behaviours which can be derailing their career!

Lumina Spark provides an easy means of raising awareness and understanding of themselves and others. The Spark phone app acts as a reminder of their profile and is interactive with others’ profiles – so a person can see how they are similar or different to their colleague and where they will have to flex their style inorder to understand each other better.

Opening dialogue for stronger teamwork and collaboration

Lumina for Coaching Leaders
Leaders need to form trusting relationships with their staff and colleagues in order to get things done.

  • how can they they gain better results from their teams?
  • what is holding them back?
  • what is the easiest way to maximise their impact?

In order to do this they need to understand themselves – their strengths, their potential and their derailing behaviour.

We provide coaching solutions for sustainable change …contact us for more information

Lumina Spark Virtual Workshops for groups or teams

In 2020 we introduced a range of customised workshops which are engaging and interactive. These are interlinked modules each building on what was learned previously. workshops are of 2.5 to 3 hours duration. Using specialised virtual tools, comprehensive personal reports and workbooks, richly descriptive card decks and a smartphone app. One of the unique aspects of Lumina Spark assessment is the humanistic idea of embracing paradox. For example, in any team there can be members who seem to have diametrically opposed personality traits. When these team members are able to value each other’s differences, teamwork can flourish, rather than clash. Therefore Lumina’s tools can help solve issues that the organisation may be facing by resolving conflicts, helping teams work together harmoniously, valuing diversity and leading to increased production levels in the long term.



Lumina Sales Workshop

Sales are the heartbeat of any business and understanding people and being able to influence them are crucial selling skill. These modules are based on the Lumina Spark and Lumina Sales assessments. Lumina Sales is a robust and validated sales model that delivers results. Sales professionals will understand how their personality impacts the six stage sales cycle, what they do currently that loses them sales and how they can change that. They will learn strategies to become more effective at each stage of the sales cycle in order to improve their sales performance. This workshop is in two-day modules with at least a month in between to consolidate learning. On completing the programme delegates will:

  • Leave with personalised action plans for increasing their sales effectiveness
  • Become more effective by understanding their hidden potential, strengths and behaviour under pressure.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) workshops

The MBTI model is especially useful for providing individuals and teams with the tools to recognise how others behave differently to them and then to adapt their own behaviour to communicate more effectively. There are many applications for leaders, teamwork, decision-making and for introducing organisational change. Individuals will receive personalised MBTI profile reports and workbooks.

Hogan Assessment for Leadership Development used for Coaching.

HDS assessment (Hogan Development Survey) – This describes the dark side of your personality and identifies your career derailers. Stopping bad behaviours can sometimes be more productive than doing something right. This report identifies how you behave in a negative way under pressure.
MVPI (Motives, Values & Preferences Inventory) – The higher you are in an organisation the more you need to make others winners and not make it about winning yourself. By assessing values you can understand what motivates you and others to succeed.
HPI (Hogan Personality Inventory) – This assesses the bright side of the personality, i.e. qualities that describe you when you are at your best and gives valuable insight into how you work and lead.
Hogan team report – This provides leaders with valuable information about their team’s strengths, weaknesses, values and internal dynamics thus equipping them with the strategies they need to help their teams achieve their full potential. It greatly helps with the:

  • Management of conflict: Conflict, whether internal or external, is the greatest threat to team performance. The Hogan Team Report draws on the Hogan Development Survey to identify shared derailers that might affect the team’s behaviour.
  • Identification of team culture: What compels the team to succeed. The Hogan Team Report identifies shared values to determine team culture and unlock the motivational power of key drivers.