Not all 360 reports are the same!

The Q-OPD strengths and gaps 360 makes it easy to pinpoint strengths, development areas, blind spots and potential. Making it easy to focus on development and track behaviour change over time

Research shows that expecting a person to be an ‘all rounder’ – a ‘5’ on all 360 assessed behaviours – is counter productive, most 360 assessments do this. The Q-OPD 360 is designed in a user friendly way to ensure an accurate means of identifying strengths and gaps in behaviour. Also, the results are personalised by measuring what is important for a specific role and assessing whether the person is meeting expectations. Thereby providing a simple means of accurately targeting and monitoring relevant change.

360 Feedback to support Coaching or Talent development programmes?


We can help with a customised 360 assessment or our full range of standard off the shelf reports

Make it easy for yourself – choose our Q-OPD strengths and gaps 360 report format see below…

Sign up for your 360 feedback pack

Our range of standard ‘off the shelf’ 360 Feedback assessments

We have a range of standardised ‘off the shelf’ 360 questionnaires as an alternative to customised 360 Feedback; useful for one-off assessments or to introduce the value of 360 feedback into an organisation.

Leadership Skills Survey (LSS)

  • For board level and senior managers with a strategic remit

Individual Contributor Survey (ICS)

  • For indivduals at any level who do not have a supervisory role

Leading & Managing Survey (LMS)

  • For middle to senior level managers who have both a strategic and supervisory role

Developing Others Survey (DOS)

  • Enabling managers to become better coaches

Leading Performance

  • For leaders who are leading and motivating teams

Measuring Change 360 Survey

  • Measures pre- and post-development change. There is an initial 360 assessment and then a follow-up 360 nine months later. The individual receives two reports; the second report shows the comparison between the two sets of data. Used to confirm individual progress against development objectives. Can yield valuable ROI and other outcome data.

Analysis of Measuring Change and Team reports

  • We provide a service whereby we analyse and segment the information in these reports and provide simple dashboard and supporting PPT slides for use in your presentations.

Team Report

  • A collective report using the data from a number of participants’ individual 360 reports. Used as a part of a training needs analysis (TNA) to identify the focus for team or group-development. Following the training a second team report would then show improvements.

Customised 360 Feedback

  • Bespoke 360s to support your training programmes or organisational development please look at customised 360
We truly care about our users’ needs and the end product which is why our customers love us!

Coaching and 360 facilitation

  • In order to get the best from 360 Feedback it is important that a trained facilitator is used to facilitate the feedback. We have a number of coaches throughout EMEA and globally who can provide this service either in individual coaching meetings, group meetings or over the phone.